[Ticket] Internal Changes in CDN Backend
Fri Oct 27 07:10:53 UTC 2023
We have been making some changes to the back-end of the bbjprojek cdn server.
Previously, the sever was able to generate a public link to download a file or group of files from a virtual machine, making it available during 24 hours.
It is now possible to customize some sharing options:
- Allows user to set an expiry time (5 min, 15 min, 30 min, 1 hour, 6 hour, 12 hour, 24 hour, or 7 days)
- Allows user to track the times that file has been downloaded
- It is now possible to filter or add a whitelist for downloading files (private, organization-only, or public)
These new customization options will be available at the cnd server (cdn.bbjprojek.org) during this day