Sergio's Personal Cabinet


Sergio's Personal Cabinet is a personal website. You will find some documentation about SilentFootPrint, and other iterations, such as The Authority or The Agency.


This website is built from scratch, all the HTML and CSS is manually written by me, is available at bbjprojek/cabinet↗.

In my desire to make a really lightweight but modern html5 website (with pages around 12-60 kB without images), I had to divide stylesheets and scripts so this way I only add the necessary features for each HTML page. The main stylesheets information can be found on the README↗ file of the repository.

Cookies and Tracking

This page does not store cookies. If you find one, it’s probably a bug, and I’d appreciate if you’d let me know.

To show some iframes and external info, I use a button to prevent non-consensual tracking as far as possible, these iframes are “hidden” behind the button. Note that I’ve used the non-tracking embed codes, yet they may still track you; this is beyond my control. This also saves a lot of bandwith, since the third-party iframes pull in a lot of JavaScript.

I don’t use any kind of analytics. This page is hosted on GitLab Pages and I try not to hotlink to ant external site. Also, this page is designed to last. This site uses almost every principle that Jeff Huang specifies in their post: This Page is Designed to Last↗. I use vanilla HTML/CSS, I don't minimize HTML, I use as few pages as possible to retain information, I don't hotlink... and I do use native fonts.

Updated on: September 21, 2024.
Copyright © 2024 The BBJProjeK Organization